While waiting for my friend's friend to come to pass her, her luggage (right English? double 'her'), so just stopped to blog. Camwhored today, hah!
This was how I looked before going out today.

I look better with my hair tied half or without hair tie? I couldn't decide, but went on without my pin and let my hair down. Feel safer with my comfort hairdo. Meet new people ma, that's why extra vain. But meeting a new girl friend okay!
Then damn this huge ass pimple that just popped out on my "left wing" of my nose. Ah. Got a graduation to attend the day after tomorrow. Hope it heals by then. And ignore my eye bags please :(( Haven't been sleeping much at the right time.
While camwhoring in the toilet, this bugger came in :
More updates later, when I come back from Crown's. Going there soon in about 10minutes.
P.S. The blog is still under a huge-ass maintainance. "Labels" are inserted on the left, after reading about html codes the whole night, but I haven labeled 90% of my post. Some "Labels" are still not in yet, too. Will do that during my free time later.
P.S.S I don't know how to put "Older Post" below :(. Couldn't find the solution / html codes online. Apparently, (I found out) Blogger.com is the only site that does not offer this feature to people who did not use their Classic Template. Argh !! Xanga and Wordpress got eh.
So all navigation and pagination of my older blog post (that are not in the main page) can only be viewed through the "Archieves", on the left.
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