Before going to Crown's Casino -
I just woke up actually, and didn't take a shower. HAHA. Eddie and I was actually late for 2 hours because we took a nap.
Seriously, Friday was an overkill. I woke up at 6am, cause I slept early the night before (11.30pm), then waste time reading and watching stuffs online until 8am, and got ready for school from 9 am till 2pm. After 2pm, ate some lunch in school, and straight away did groceries shopping for stuffs I'm suppose to make for the party (Saturday).
Everything done by 6pm, party's at 730pm, thought to have an hour's nap, which ended up us waking up at 9pm, missed the dinner party, and headed straight for the casino.
Since we missed the dinner, and want to drink alcohol... need to eat some food. Went to the nearest food court and ate some CRAPPY food :
"Singapore Fried Bi Hun with Green Curry Chicken"
-tasted nothing close to both of them.
and Dim Sims :
Party was alright. Made some friends with white people. I thought I can finally break the barrier between me and white people, but I was WRONG. It's not me who's trying so hard (I've always tried my best to blend in during times in Geelong) but it is cause they are those type of white people that mixes with asian crowd all the time, and they think asian chicks are cute!
Heading back in the tram :
Eddie look so horny here.
After the party, since I didn't take out my jacket the whole time, I camwhored.
Sigh, still suck big time at it.
Then after party, was so tired, but still, I cannot sleep. Got to bake this baby :
The fish pie. Sigh, to be brutally honest to myself, the fish pie tasted quite bad during the party. Everything was chilly cold, and tasted quite wierd. It clashed with the japanese food served by other people.
Baked it till about 6am, and woke up at 10am to get ready to go Geelong.
On the way to Geelong, spotted a Malaysian car. woots!
Kembara by Perodua. Left side, the four wheel drive.
Then played some games. Pass the party hat, and whenever the music stops, the person who last hold them will have to perform in the circle.
Then I wanted to show off my Punk look for that day, but realised my fats were poking out and decided to wear the jacket back on again,

face problem la. coloured it. some bastard took this photo! #$@!$# lol.
Took some pictures :
Cutting cake time :
21st birthday party.
My gang, with the two birthday girls :
Spot my face :@ Sad. Face blocked.
Yap and Yapp :
"Truth and Dare" Card game.
Stupid Andy lost, and he got dared to kiss a girl's face. He wanted to borrow my face, but NO THANKS.
Me and the President again :)
The punk hair, look familiar? hehe. It's Eddie's !
Then playing the fireworks.. leftover "sparkles" from the cake.
so funz!
Then after that, some girl appeared with a polaroid camera...I WANT :(
Instant photo on my lap.
Then the guys decided to celebrate the fact that my yucky fish pie was finished, they want to take picture with the empty baking dish. More like the last spoonfuls they eat one :(
Trying to stuff the wing onto my head, and I dodged swiftly.
Picture perfect.
Then went to sight seeing at Geelong city. The water is unbelievably clear.
Caught sight of this pirate ship. Apparently, the ships's only going to be here today and tomorrow and also 2 days on October. Wow. Lucky US.
Love this picture.
Double rainbow.
All of us , TRYING to be proud..of being Deakin students.
Don't understand them...
Ate dinner at Mexican Graffiti. Mexican food? YUMMzz.
heaven...sour cream, salso and cheese on corn chips.
Having Mexican is never complete without those 3 dish above = FAJITAS (pronouce as far-he-tas)
eat them like that!
Need to lose those few pounds I gained, argh!
"It's time to cut the fat" (The Biggest Loser, 200x)
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