Ate scrumptious food today. yumzzzzzzz. At Bob's Kitchen, Glen Waverly.
12 x dumplings
9x red bean paste chinese pancake
1 x large plate of Shanghai fried noodles.
8 x steamed Shanghai Pork Mini Bun (小笼包)
all the food was wiped clean off their plates/basket.
that's alot of food for 2 people. So much for my dieting plans, huh? Sigh, I'm not/never the diet kind of person. I love food TOoOO Much. Considering I'll be home earlier tomorrow, hopefully I've some time to run in the gym.
After lunch, went to drink:
I like lemon grass jelly ... not this type,but sigh, its alright, since the shop was positiong its brand as "express , healthy, blabla " (forgot)
well, as long as it has "healthy" there, I'll assume they did not add any colourings, preservatives, and cancerous stuff inside. AUD4 ler, can buy at least 3 of this at pasar malam.
Oh, saw another camwhore picture left in my camera. hehe.
ah. toilet toilet. eyesore.
Work's overloading, parties, too.
Done 3 types of assignment in 3 different days. .What an achievement.
and .. Tomorrow going for party at Waterfront (Crown Casino there, I suppose), and Saturday, GEELONG! Can't wait.
Sleeping time, adjusted - back to normal, no longer nocturnal.
All's well, hope things'll end well as well.
wellwellwell (limited vocab).
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