
Monday, 7 September 2009

After two stressful days of staying out of home > staying in , spent whole day online-ing and enjoying the photos.

And even chatting up with my Panda's sister! READ the compilation of chats below.

*click to enlarge*

I find it hilarious, the way she chat, EXACTLY like Panda. Alot of spelling errors and funny ways to describe or explain a thing/situation. And mind you, it's just after 2 not-very-long-chats that I compiled so many of these chat bits.

make your hand got Mcdonald = arm muscles
HARD flabby = wtf? if it's hard, it will be flabby, no more. hahaha

Quite entertaining !

Sighness. Finally cooking has reached it's limits. I cooked twice on Sunday , and wanted to bake after cooking, but ..

cut my hand severely! Don't be fooled by those small cuts.

Must have exposed a lot of sensory neurons in those cuts cause even water on those wounds can make me tear :(

Especially the cut that's nearest to my palm (most right). Even typing or stretching my fingers HURTS!

The kitchen's kinda in a mess now, can't clean. So am I. I can't shower. lol. Serious, the pain is kinda more on the unbearable side.


Last but not least ,

was correcting on the term "chinese educated" while correcting her spelling for "mandarin"

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