
Sunday, 8 January 2012


Every year without fail, I'll make resolutions, same old new ones.  Resolutions from past years that didn't resolve will be brought forward to this year !!! 

But I am already in my mid 20s. I guess, its the time to stop acting like a baby. So I will therefore,

1) Act like my real age....
2) KICK start my career.
3) Be completely $$$ independent.
4) Learn to accept everyone's flaws and stop complaining
5) Slim down....YET AGAIN. 

But this time I am serious (as with every beginning of a new year, where u feel more determined haha).

But I think I am really serious this time. Time is not waiting for me, if I continue the same lifestyle, I will never be able to look better if I continue procrastinating. Wrinkles ARE popping (and so are pimples WTF) . 

Since I am going to be away from Eddie, this means I will have a lot more time for myself and I am going to spend every minute of it, improving myself not only physically but intellectually!

Anyway.... I wanna aim for ...


A really, really tone body. Not muscular, but tone, exactly like the one above. 

I don't know how I am going to do it, but right now...its now or never T.T Hopefully I earn enough to hire a personal trainer, or get a good gym buddy ^^ We can help motivate each other yo !!!  If not, I'll be running alone 247 in the gym/at home ........

I remember last time when I was skinnier...I wasn't happy with the way I looked even though I have reached my targeted weight... I was extremely flabby. So right now I'll aim for tone and of course lose a lot bit of the excess fats.

Too high a target ? I hope by end of 2012, I'll be at least half way...

PS. im really really excited to be going back to Malaysia for good :D:D:D 

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