I'm trying to slow down on my updates..as there are too many complaints that I've been updating too much, too often! My friends kept asking the same thing, when I've stated them black and white in here ..then went ahead to say I've written so much that they only manage to skim through :( Are my blog entries really that boring ? I know it's my personal space, and no one can boss me around but its better to compromise.
Yesterday went shopping with my cousin, spend HELLUVA money (AUDXX - 2 figures only okay, not 3). We both decided that our face wasn't in the mood for camwhoring, hence :
Evidently, our butts are..for the BUTT CAM! (see my cutie eyes peeping from below, haha)
Sigh. I think I am conforming into buying designer's goods. Was so super damn tempted to buy :

Fossil Bag...AUD199 (approximately RM600). Nice right, nice right!
When I sling the bag over my shoulders, it looked like as if we were both meant to be...
I'm still thinking about it until now, more than 24 hours already... can't sleep, CAN eat (zzz). Even told Eddie I would sing Katy Perry's "Thinking Of You" song to the bag (which btw is quite a nice song! )
I had a thought to go to Fossil at 11am sharp today and almost went ahead with it. Lucky I tend to procrastinate ALOT. And told myself, I'll buy it during the outing with friends at 12pm.
In the end, we didn't enter Fossil. They left at 3.30pm. I still had time before the store closes and went alone. To spend some alone time with the bag. I grabbed the bag, held it tight...thinking to myself, if this thang 's really worth my parents' earnings for my own desire? Worth 2 weeks of food, or 2 weeks of rent?
My mom's bags are all not even as expensive as this...My conscience said NO and so, I've decided to just let it go. Just have to wait for another cheaper version of "THE BAG" to come along.
Just imagine the bag on this girl :
Isn't it lovely? haha.
Hopefully I'll forget about it in time. Like how I forget break ups and one -sided love. HAHA!
My parents ought to be proud of me to not buy things on a heartbeat.
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