
Monday, 26 October 2009


Today marks the history of my first ever burnt (until dry) food.

A thick inch of cancerous carbons underneath!
But it's so wierd that the soup turned black but not the dates I used. How bizarre~

So next time when you decide to read a book, make sure you're not cooking or anything. I spent the whole day reading Eclipse, and was so caught up with this fantasy imaginary world.

The only reason people would like the Twilight series is because of Edward. Always OCA (one call away). Not even OCA. He's just always there. He's supposedly a very good looking 17 year old (according to the book, but look fugly in the movie). He's everything a girl wants:
  1. Handsome
  2. Rich
  3. Fast (erm, I mean he knows how to fight, can just hop on his back and fly, too)
  4. Romantic (something that'll keep relationships going)
  5. Always always there .. (OCA)
  6. Makes sure no one bullies his girlfriend
  7. Considerate and very understanding
  8. Will make the girl feel like he's the one she ever need.
  9. Loyal, sees only his girlfriend.
  10. Can give the vampire bite thingy that works as an anti-aging. Can stay youthful FOREVER!
Edward doesn't sleep , too. I don't sleep much, too! I would love the company of a goodlooking caring boyfriend who will find me kao kao and shower me with loads of romantic stunts.

Then comes Jacob. So madly in love with him in the book also. He is everything what Edwards is (and I'm liking him in the movie), except for the anti-aging thing.

And both of them thinks only for the girl they like. Willing to go through all kinds of trouble, just for her.

Aihs. Any of those two boys ever exists (or similar)..I'll be more than willing to swap Eddie over. HAHA.

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