
Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Detour of my run-down room..

Firstly, IT IS MY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY TODAY! But he'll never chance upon my blog cause I assume he rarely go on Facebook. Even if he does, the last thing someone will ever do is to stalk their own sibling. =/

Tomorrow, I'll be going back to Burwood. I've been always wanting to show people my super small rented room, and here goes the detour:

My pigeon hole. It looks photogenic loh. And do you all know, people from outside can actually PEEP inside my room? The blinds are not enough.. Imagine when I change in the room. People can see me butt naked!

Next on is the horrible bathroom.

Dimmed + no mirror at the basin. When I brush teeth also don't know if there's anything left stuck inside my mouth, between my teeth.. unless I look at the mirror in my room.

the scary toilet. Dirty most of the time (shit stuck inside walls of the potty). As you can see, on the left is the "laundry room". Forever also got clothes..even if there's none, I rather hand wash my clothes somehow.

the living room. Notice that paper on the wall in the picture? They are rules ..pasted all over the house. I'll tell explain further on the next post. Too many pictures!!

My kitchen. Sucks. Never cooked here before, but I shall , soon.. Need to save money and make full use of my rent! I've been "donating" a lot to this house.

That sums up the detour of my AUD440 a month room.Including all kinds of bills and 10GB of internet. But overall I pay AUD450. The extra AUD10 is because I "voluntarily" let myself get fined for not cleaning. That AUD10 goes to whoever who did all the cleaning and taking the rubbish out.

Okay, next on, there's this something I want to bitch about.

the bastard who called me untidy and filthy. This is the second time in two days (since I arrive here two days ago) we have to wash his freaking pan after he cooks (this time is the least of his shits for us to clean already, usually got his bowls,plates, fork, spoons and onion skins).

Meaning since the first day I step foot in this house TWO DAYS AGO , already got this bloody pan for me or Eddie to wash. He dare say he haven't been cooking or "made sure he washes after he cooks", I'm going to print this photo out and slap it on his face.

and then I proceed to clean the kitchen AGAIN! (feeling like the maid here)

I forgot to take the 'before' pictures! But there were plastic and tissues EVERYWHERE, bits of salt and some dried soy sauce stuck to the table and I had to clear them. I even had to scrap those bits off.

It's not like as if I purposely clean the kitchen to blackmail the said person, but usually, I would prefer a clean kitchen to start cooking on, because IN CASE any meat fly out onto the table, I can still pick it up and not waste the meat. lols.

And so, cook myself a decent meal after that :


I was lacking rice (about half a cup of rice) , and had to add a whole lot of veggies ( 1 bunch of bak choy, 4 stalks of spring onions, half a carrot), 1 egg and some meat (2 piece of pork leg). From half a cup of rice, I expanded it to 3 bowls of fried rice. hehe . yumz.


Recently, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my future.
I stumbled upon news,blogs and wikipedia about people MY AGE, or YOUNGER, making it big out there, and already earning their own money. How about me? I'm still tied to my mother's apron..and my dad's necktie?? lame, but I'm financially dependant on them even after 1 year of adulthood.

How to kick start my own career? publish my own books? print my own albums? come out with new innovations?
Everyday, I keep telling myself..think outside the box, THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, but I'm out of ideas..I'm just not creative enough.

I once had an exboyfriend who asked me "What are you good at?"
To be honest, when he asked me that, I found myself dumbfounded.
He then told me straight to my face "You're just average in everything and good at nothing, Everyone is bound to be good at something, but when I look at you, I can't find anything that you are good at."
It hurts.
More after I realised how true that statement was, and it actually still applies until now.

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