
Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Just lost a friend. Although we're not that close, but close enough to feel the pain.

He's the definition of a fun uni life. He's one of the ONLY FEW guys who made me feel attractive. He is from Singapore, hence he's the first person who calls me "chio" (find the definition yourself!).

Always call me "chio" in sight, during my club events, he was there to help...even with specks looking really stressed up cause of the preparation of club events, he'll tell me I am "chio".

During one of another committee's birthday, I wore this "happy birthday" specks, he was sitting right opposite me, and shouted "WOW really so chio lah you".

Sometimes even his gf (yeah he has a gf) sms me saying her bf thinks I am chio.

Once we chatted on msn until 4am.

You are too sweet (especially your mouth), it may all be white lies... but a lot of people like to be reminded that they're pretty (no one's ugly unless your personality suxx).

Well, those are the only few memories of you and I. And also u with your camera, snapping pictures and candid of me all the time especially (during events)!!!

Well , it was fun while you were here.

See you at your wake. I think you're worth it.

 (Last pic my face kena blocked)

And loads more events ...

Sigh , I know I threw him the cold shoulder cause I feel uneasy when people compliment me head on/face to face.

So, see ya real soon !

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