I love babies at this stage when they are not active and irritating...maybe slightly older and stronger, cause she is too fragile now that I fear carrying her while moving. Everytime I carry her, I become stagnant, like a statue, making a fool of myself with my facial expression. Don't dare to move at all. But anything for her ^^ .
So I carry her while my 12.5 year old cousin (her older brother) watch this stupid Taiwan reality tv show :
wtf ! 1 guy use another guy's head/face to burst balloons that are placed on the table. The ones that burst the most , wins!

So many people doing all kinds of stunts to gain media attention and popularity. I was more disgusted than impressed actually.
When night fall, friends came to find me. I recommend them this famous Jalan Ipoh Curry Laksa! Come find me, I bring you there to eat :
yumyums minus cockles.

After that, my friend wanted desert..after our supper. (How to slim down?)
Went to a new desert place :
Nowadays Malaysia have all these funny desert restaurants, serving really fancy deserts. This Honey Moon is at Kepong.

I would prefer if they invest more on their food, than half food and half merchandise.
Anyway we ordered :
Some fruit mix with ice. EDIBLE
My aloe vera and soy beancurd (tau fu fa / tao huay) EDIBLE (Thank you, Esther, come find me with Jason but you pay somemore)

In total , I paid RM0 for a really full stomach. haha, My friends are damn generous, knowing I have issues with asking money from my parents. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! <3!!!!!!!
Tomorrow 3pm I'll be going to Penang on Nice bus, Executive coach! Really top quality bus, but pricey ,too . Rm200+ for my mom and I. That's like AUD30+ . crap, inflation.
Going to visit my grandmother. No internet till Sunday. AWWwwww. No internet , no life.
Penang food here I come !
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