Did hell lots of cleaning. the place seriously look SQEAKY CLEAN. But forgot to take pictures!! :( sad. Will call my friend to take them for me. haha. If I can't get an office job in future..I shall think about being a cleaner. lol. You actually feel like as if you accomplished something when the whole place is damn clean. hahaha.
The night before we both left, Eddie had his ways...we had a drinking session! But lucky no one puked. And then after that he and friends went clubbing.
We survived this year without any ironing at all...but his collar shirt was so crumply, I felt embarrassed for him...so since I skipped dinner plans to clean the house, I thought to surprise him (while checking if the iron's still working or not-the guy who's going to rent Eddie's place needs an iron) :
And he surprised me with a Tiramisu cake from Grecko's :
We both surprise each other at the same time! hehe. Just that mine is cheaper. It's the heart that counts okay!
Western cuisine : smokey chicken with roasted potato. Edible.
'Local' cuisine : Ayam rendang and long beans. Inedible.
At least got taste, and I don't really know how smokey barbecue chicken's going to taste like. But yea, it was alright. Not nice, not not nice.
The worst chicken rendang EVER! sucks...but I was hungry and just close my nostrils and stuffed them down my throat.

Had my FAVOURITE SEAFOOD NOODLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fish and oyster.
The cake is abit mashed up cause when he brought it to me, I forgot all about it, and suddenly saw a package and grabbed it hard, only to realised there's a cold chilly cake inside the white package.
-end of the day before we left-
Finally The DAY ....all the rushing , plus I wanted to leave at 9pm, Eddie was craving for Oriental Spoon's Bulgogi at 8.30pm, he went to takeaway, leaving me all angry cause I was afraid that we might be late (for my duty free shopping).
Ended up leaving at 9.30pm, can't call the cab ...ended up I had to stand under the rain, guarding our luggage bags while Eddie ran to the nearest hotel to get a cab. Why can't call? cause it was a rainy day, everyone decided to not walk nor take tram and jam the hot line for the cabs, making us..the people who really need those cabs all panicky.
But somehow on a rainy day, it took us half an hour to reach airport only. That was fast. Usually take about an hour? Reached at 10pm, as scheduled. But Eddie and his mom thought I rushed to the airport too early.
At least we manage to catch the plane.
And screw Australia. Why? Cause their custom stole Eddie's watch! Damn bloody heartache. It was a birthday present from me to him for his 21st. Sigh. Its a really nice watch. Its not the price, but the perseverance of looking for "THE WATCH", and the sentimental value attached to it. SIGH. How my heart breaks.
But I didn't blame him, he was more angry. When he realised his watch was missing, he ran like he's about to save someone dear to him (eg. me).
Then after all the checking in , waiting, boarding the plane..finally it's food time. Owh my hungry stomach. I didn't eat any dinner whilst Eddie ate his Bulgogi.
Then the whole time during the flight, my stomach had all the discomfort feeling in the world!! Like a hurricane was inside my stomach. Want to fart but don't dare, got innocent strangers beside me :(.
Anyway, an advice to everyone. Never...EVER fly on Air Asia like throughout the night (the sleeping time). Sucks, cause it's so crammy and hard? Cannot adjust the seat, too. And it's like you are so tired but you cannot sleep cause you might hit the person next to you (I sat in the middle). So the whole time I just turn left and hug Eddie to sleep, but ouch, my neck hurts from being static...facing the left side all the time (8+hours).
My ride was pretty scary. From a normal 8hour flight, it got extended to 8hour 40minutes due to bad weather. It was raining cats and dogs, my flight had constant air turbulence for the first half an hour!! Like the first half an hour...all I can do is wear my seatbelt, and sit up right. So yea they had to fly abit slower I think, and reached later than scheduled.
When reached airport...saw my parents waiting anxiously right in front of the arrival gate.
Went for breakfast after that! Happy!!
Malaysia's Milo kickass Aussie's Milo.
This restaurant is call Ipoh Road restaurant. Near Taman Kok Lian, next to the only Yamaha (music shop) in Jalan Ipoh.
I love being back home. But realising how much HOME has changed... I actually feel a slight fear in driving, as I am afraid that I'll get lost.
It feels different. The last time I came back, I still feel "familiar". I felt more foreign to my own home country this time around.
*off topic*
Anyway, I need some recognition and stance in my house! Apparently, my parents never bother telling people they have 2 children, a son AND A DAUGHTER.
When I was using my brother's computer with the door wide open, my mom's new part time maid peeked in and was shocked to see me there (please, I 'm not my brother's girlfriend).
She asked my young cousin (that sucks in malay) who am I ...he said " kakak saya" (meaning my sister-actually its like you call girls elder than you, "姐姐" jiejie). I doubt if he even know the existence of the malay word - "sepupu" which means cousin.
But the maid thought I am his real sister. But my cousin reported to my mom saying the maid asked, and the maid was shocked. She thought my parents only have a son.
My brother : "Yay, I am on my way into getting rid of you and be the only child in this family"
Hey, how to get hold of oui? ask him to give me a call to my old number. I'm also back. Go for lunch or something
He lost his simcard as usual, yearly. So tomorrow we're going 1u together to get him a new simcard and for jusco sales!
I'll tell him to contact u asap.
we just arrived yesterday, and today he went to Malaka.So guess he was kinda busy. Will pass ur msg tomorrow!
cool cool.. thanks
hey wei wen, eddie lost ur number.
his number is still the same one 012214.... he just got his sim card today. u can call him
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