This morning, I stumbled and mourned, over a lost cause.
A cause that I did, to help, but in return, words of fury are being spattered at me.
Who is to know the reality of the occurrence ? but only I alone, and not the judges who has the black and white proofs against the truth that I tried to speak, but in vain...falling into deaf ears.
They cannot do anything, too, as it would breach laws , neither do they have reasons to believe me instead of the devils that "provided" the said proofs I only have my mouth and the words I speak as self defense.
To not further humiliate myself, I can only swallow every single word, pretending the make-believe story is real, and that truth that I went an absolute dream I lived on.
Prior to the end of this day .... I :
faked smiles..
looked all normal..
tried seeking answers from nothingness..
tried to distract my attention and release the stress that had built up..
looked for encouragement..
turned to myself for comfort..

tried running away from those thoughts...
But in the end.. when I am all alone..
I reflect back all the things I did and wonder what did I do to have deserve all these bad incomings?
Why such persons even exist and cease to exist, living on people's goodwill, hoping for charities all the time.....
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