I cooked, I cleaned, I "worked"...even fitted some exercise into my day yesterday but didn't squeeze in some sleep.
The day before I slept 16 hours, and I couldn't sleep for Sunday. Stayed up the whole night, since 7.30pm Sunday..till 8.30pm on Monday!
That's 24 hours without sleep! I died into my bed at 8.38pm. Still remembered the time I saw before I was gone.
Right now still exhausted physically (especially my legs, just finished baking again like right now) and mentally ...like lacking sleep, even though I slept quite alot..about 12 hours.
Gosh my sleeping time, either I sleep too little or too much.
Here goes my Monday :
9.15am went to gym for a short run and some weight carrying, 10am went for grocery shopping, 10.30am, bake some goodies (egg tarts) for Eddie and two other fellas (that came to find me later), 11.30-12pm cook lunch for Eddie (spaghetti). 1pm, the 2 fellas came to make a poster together.
Went on without Food, my source of energy! and stayed up and stand up the whole time.

At least the poster is done.About 6-ish pm. All handmade as we're really quite tight on budget.
Little on description as I'm really tired out. I didn't just sit and paint okay, had to go out buy some artsy stuffs, come back, then go out again to buy markers, then come back, then go up to my 20th floor, then come down again, then go up and down...and I wasn't feeling that well either.
Had diarrhea again!
Having to cook, clean and....say I substitute the children time with all the club activities , going outs and abit of gym...my gosh, being a housewife is not that easy after all.
I'm exhausted , being a human.
Even on the physique side, I'm tired. Of caring how I look. I haven't been eating much, having diarrheas, getting myself exhausted, never touched another piece of TimTams since my "No Chocolate" mood. I didn't even eat properly for the past few days, having less than a meal's portion per day.
Still, comments are the same " You've put on weight."
Those words used to sting so horridly, but I'm more accepting now.
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