Sigh, I didn't want to go out and all, but everyone kept persuading me to go out.
I said "No, I don't want to go la, everyday go out tiring!", then comes reasons such as " I purposely organize this because you never been to Ice Bar," or " you're leaving soon, that's why I make steamboat party".
Wahlao. How to say "No" when it's all being planned out "for me" I doubt so ?
Aih. I planned to not join today's movie and lunch plan with Eddie and friends but joined anyway because apparently, Eddie chose to watch the movie that "I want to watch" that is :

Really really nice movie. Do not download/live stream this movie to watch first hand! Download solely to keep the movie, after watching it in the cinema.
If can, watch it in the xtreme screen (extra large screen). The effects of this movie are soooo goood. I even shouted "quick quick" at the screen, calling the actress to run faster. WTF! I can easily get overly excited and am very prone to think that people inside any movie can hear what I say. FML!!
Not revealing anything about the movie. Just watch it. I love it.
After that went out for lunch. If anyone fancy Korean or Japanese food, another must try restaurant is :

Oriental Spoon...right next to Melbourne Central, the Hungry Jacks there walk down.
Not cheap (Paid AUD20 = RM60).
What you must really really try before 2012 is their Jap Chae (Potato noodle) :
Next thing we ordered was the grilled unagi :

Nah,nothing special. Taste like any other unagi I've eaten, except this one got bones, and less jelly-like (skinny eel?).
Ordered Seafood Casserole , too :
Nah, I still hate prawn. Don't know why people always use "big prawn" to describe how worthy/tasty a plate or bowl of food is. For example : The plate of Char Keow Teow in Penang by the 2 sisters (very famous fried keow teow shop in Penang) is very nice. GOT BIG PRAWN!
??? Prawns are yucky.
I know they are supposedly expensive ..but prawns are like most branded bags e.g. Prada bags. Super ugly and damn bloody expensive. Which reminds me....
Off track abit (Anecdote) :Forgot to complain about yesterday. Yesterday, I accompanied my cousin to Prada shop at Crown's because she needs to reprint her receipt for her AUD1k + / 2k Prada bag to claim back GST when we fly back to Malaysia.Then suddenly my cousin pointed out a really fugly bag, and said the bag is nice.. I blurted out "Huh, SO UGLY LA" (its true!! damn ugly, look like a bag for picnic, where we put on grass and sit on it)...I conversed in Hokkien...and bloody hell, the sales girl answer back "Where got ugly? It's nice" and then look at my cousin and said "Nice and cheap, too. AUD2K+"WHAT THE HELL!! Is she mocking me ? belittling my taste in bags? Saying AUD2K+ is cheap? No one called her to eavesdrop in the first place. And everyone has their own unique taste on everything.And the sales girl even took the opportunity to brag about her collections of Prada bag. Seriously, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING caught my attention in the Prada shop. The triangle logo itself is damn bloody ugly.Just found a picture of a Prada bag that should be of the same collection :The pattern of the fugly bag I saw looks like this fugly bag in the picture above. Just that the bag is square shaped. Then the blue part of this fugly bag in the picture is white on the fugly bag I saw, and the white part of this fugly bag in the picture is pink on the fugly bag I saw.Ugly right? Even on the website that I copied this picture from, alot of people were commenting how "horrific" it looked.Don't believe? Read it for yourself at
ZZZ. See! Dare say I got bad taste, stupid salesgirls. IN YOUR FACE!! People always commented that I got sharp eyes one okay. I can't stand the way people nowadays buy branded,expensive but ugly bags just to show off that they can afford them. If nice then understandable la.
Okay, back to my lunch at Oriental Spoon.
Pose with the food first. BAD FACE DAY!! :(((
After taking pictures only mix the soup and seafood together like this :
Yum yumz. Hot and spicy.
After people complimenting on how fat and happy I looked, we proceeded to Crown's Bakery on Swanston Street for dessert:
How come their cakes are the same as cakes sold in Bread Top. Why ah ? Different shop names but exactly same cakes. Bought from the same supplier ?
I have also been very adventurous with what I wear recently. Wore a dress that I just bought!
Cheap! Aud24.99. My friend thought I bought from MNG , stating that it cost AUD70 from MNG, and that she has the "same dress" as me.
Wow. I felt like I just hit a jackpot, having bought a brandless dress that's like 70% cheaper and that look strikingly similar to the one that is of brand. hehehe. Cheapskate people are like this one. I admit.
I realised everytime I sleep late or didn't sleep the whole night, the next day my face will look super ugly in photos. Whereas when I sleep early and feeling all hyper and happy, my face looks better =/. How my face changes so fast.
Bad face day today because I baked cookies for Eddie at midnight till 2+am.
GIANT COOKIE! Its bigger than his face.
More on that when I have nothing else to blog. I've been blogging in not only my own blog, but TWO blogs - second one being my Malaysian Club's blog. I now know how it feels to be a full time writer and editor .
The bag looks like this :
Only thing that the sides are white, and the white part in the middle of the bag above is pink.
UGLY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
ahhhhh~ i cant wait to watch 2012!! thankfully, you watched it in cinema, but not computer. As the sound effect n screen would be better in cinema than ur computer!!
i totally agree with you. those pranda bags are not nice. i'd rather get a coach bag if i spent the same amount of money. did ur cousin buy this collection?
as if i leave a comment to you everyday. lol tracker, tracker!!
edith....I want to chat with you!!
why didn't I see you online?
Can you come on Monday ? :(
haha..the bag..really fucking ugly..i wont bring out..if u free for me..HAHA
DOnt bother the stupid salesgal la..
she just wan the sales and talk rubbish
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