Yeap, procrastinated again.
Today, I planned to finish off at least 4-5 chapters, but so far, done nothing, and it's 9.30pm. Guess I've to burn the midnight oil, because I have ABSOLUTELY no time in preparing for this exam, which falls on next Friday the 16th of October.
To make myself at least "try" to study , the book is actually right infront of my face, but..
What THE HECK has been distracting my attention?
To be honest, its none other than damned astrological readings and FengShui (don't know why I find them interesting, ugh). Today I dwell on more towards the "Face FengShui". It all started from me asking my friend (who roughly can read people's face) about my face FengShui.
He said he didn't like it (meaning he don't like my face!).
WHY? cause bad FengShui ! (wtf)
I did went on to ask him something about my eyes, because when I was born, my relatives all laughed at my parents because of my eyes, especially one of my uncle, whose daughter (my younger cousin) has the same set of eyes as I do now(KARMA). But I never understood why.
Then he said my eyes are not good, but he cannot tell me why. Hate this feeling, curious yet cannot know further. So I joined my best friend, Google, and together, we discovered MORE time-consuming, explanatory information on/about how to read your face FengShui.
To cut the long story short, I came to this particular point, which I find it disappointingly true. It's about my forehead, and hair lines. It's suppose to be smooth, but mine got this "V" shape hairline in the middle of my forehead. Meaning my whole forehead is the shape of an 'M'.

According to that article, people who has forehead and hairlines like mine tend to have friends that comes and goes...
Looking back, I do have plenty of friends , but to what extend? It's always when during times we spend the most times together ( like in college and university) , we were all close like hell, inseparable. Can't live without each other. Our names doesn't sound right without one another person in the same gang's name.
But especially when I left to pursue my studies, like now, its like we're not even friends anymore. And the only bunch of friends that I can think of right now, are the friends I made this year. At university, and most of them are not even going back end of this year. Does this mean I'm going to lose them when I go back to Malaysia for 3 months? and come back later to rekindle the relationship.
But what next? I go on to my future work-mates as my friends till-the-next-time-I-change-my-job? and switch again.
I know partly was due to the fact that I never ask people out, only waiting to be asked, but that thought somehow have never occur in my mind, until now.
When we're close, we're super close, but once we move on to another zone, we break apart.
I can't even think of any friends that I can comfortably call out and just hang out. Except PANDA. One and only.
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