
Wednesday, 7 October 2009


What do you do when you decide to camp in library ?

Bring LOADS of FOOD! Eating constantly acts as an encouragement for me to do stuffs =/ .

Left : Dinner box, check; chips, check ; Fruit Loops,check (addicted to it ma) ; apple,check; hot guy beside me, check!

Then suddenly my friend shove 1 TimTams to me because he want me fat. Sadly, at that time, I was happy to have more food. The Doritos corn chips also he give one.

So, originally, only dinner box, Fruit Loops and that apple are mine.The hot guy isnt :((

I packed quite a lot actually.

My home-cooked noodle. Uncountable home made dumplings, the noodle and some green vegetable . 80% carbs, 10% meat, 10% vegetable. Gosh.

Am I for real this time (to grow fat)?
I finished the noodle box, the chips, some TimTams, some Fruit Loops...and ignored the apple.

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