A very fine beginning of a 5 months holidays...and nothing will deter me from doing anything! After much frustration of the dreaded endless assignments and exams...
- Have fun kao kao
- Play kao kao (any nice interesting FREE online games?)
- Go out kao kao
- Go gym kao kao
- Diet kao kao
- Sing and dance infront of people who haven't finish their exams kao kao
- Go clubbing kao kao (I don't like clubbing, just saying it to sound cool :p but I got a clubbing event to go tonight!)
- Regulate my sleep kao kao
- Do mask on my face kao kao
- Smile kao kao
- Shop kao kao
- BUY PRESENTS KAO KAO ( owe 3 people presents T.T missed out 3 birthdays in 2 weeks of exams! Wtf)
- Bake and cook kao kao
- Pick up a hobby kao kao
- "Renovate" my blog kao kao
- Don't stay at home at all kao kao
- Ask Eddie out for dates kao kao ( haven't been spending time together at all)
- Read some novels kao kao (haven't been having any leisure readings!)
- Start cleaning Eddie's place (the pig sty) kao kao
- Camwhore kao kao
- Fatt hao kao kao
- Plan events for MSD kao kao (won't forget my club)

wow! I realise my face look empty without my specks (wtf). Its like as if the specks on me is like make up on girls. My face look bland. hmmmmm...!! Ohmy. Going to put make up next time already if I'm going to take picture without specks!
Last but not least .............

PRAY KAO KAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To pass with FLYING COLOURS!
Aih only one hand, cause my other hand have to take photo.
This two weeks was HELL, having to missed out on events (4 in totallll), but Eddie went ahead with it WITHOUT ME, coming back with all the fun in his face! This is pay back time! muahaha. I am indeed , vengeful!
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