As I walked into Coles, I gleamed in delight! TimTams on special at AUD2 each. That's like AUD1.05 cheaper per pack!

Immediately I stuffed in 2 packets. 1 original and 1 double coat. No questions. Hardly any doubt. The first thing that came into my mind "OMG, CHEAP! MUST BUY".
I went to Coles to buy meat, and a handful of TimTams is what I got.
Marketing strategy, sheesh, stop deceiving customers into buying more, making them think that they are actually saving money indirectly (my cousin fell prey to the TimTam offer, too, haha).
Every corner, every rack , front and back and before paying... packs and packs of TimTams laid before me. Persuading me to buy more. And I entered extra 2 packs into my cart.
~Stop TAUNTING US WITH CHEAPER UNHEALTHY 150% MARKED UP YUMMY GOODS with price cut that's barely even on 50% discount!~
Imagine if it's not on price cut, I won't even buy, and I will save a further AUD2 per pack (AUD8 in this case), and eat moderately, savouring every bite. Buy less frequently or not buy at all. Now that I know I bought it cheap, I bought alot, and before I knew it, the whole piece disappeared from the tips of my hand, and half the pack is gone.
It's actually my first time buying TimTams for the sake of snacking on it in TWO YEARS! Ow, my wallet. 4 packs with a total of AUD8 (RM 24). I usually buy them to give them away.
Not only my weight suffered. My FACE , TOO!
Indeed, chocolate gives me shitloads of pimples. I have like 2 huge ones already, and a few tiny ones popping out. So you know when I've been cheating on my diet.
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