That was how I felt throughout the whole day!
I slept at 6-7am, missed my alarm that was set at 8.30am, friend called to say that they have arrived at 9.15am, rushed with my bathing..make up..and got scolded at 10am for making them wait 45minutes! :(
Rushed to Geelong just so we can meet up with Jasper before he enter at 11am while looking at our very best
So we took our own sweet time on the road rather than speeding and getting honked at....and my Geelong friends called again, asking me why am I sooo late! Immediately when reach Geelong, walked the whole city, to find the restaurant we wanted to eat...that was in the end found to be closed as today is Geelong's Cup!
So settled for a random Chinese Restaurant.
Look at my plate of food. hehehe. Hungry what.
Prior to finishing our food, Jasper called to say that he's done with the Graduation and he have only 1 hour to camwhore with us in his robes before returning it. We (ADAM) rushed through our last bites.
And thats when the camera film rolls ~
Jasper LEFT, and I didn't know Jane is graduating, too! Yeay, to varieties (of graduates). Neay, to my face today.
Took loads of photos :
The Burwood gang.
Haihs, I can't decide to smile with the teeth on or off. Don't know why today I smile mostly with my mouth shut, which is pretty fugly.
Ugly nia. But I like the photo on the right. hehe. The pose.
And I want to take pictures alone but got people always want to be side show :
hehe, RIGHT : Jasper's flowers and I.
After camwhoring for 1 hour (or more, cause some @!#!$!@ went up to Jasper to remind him to return the robes).......
headed for lunch AGAIN (HOW CAN I NOT GROW FAT?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's wearing my sunglasses ler.
Then I had to call other people to take my photo :( Hate being the person with a camera sometimes, I've to take photos of people and have to ask people to take MY photo. But my friends do ask if I want to be in the photo or not..but I like being the one photographed most of the time what . haha.
I ordered Mango Smoothie only
Na na na..~
Jasper's twin brother on the right with Jane, his adorable girlfriend ~ Have to admire them. They are together since 6 years ago or something.
After lunch, camwhore with the sea, the only main attraction in Geelong.
Love it. Hehe. 3 little bears ~
Pretending to be Emo. Notice any difference in these two pictures?
& I just realised I got potential to look like a hot chick from behind, and frighten people from the front.
Merry-Go-Round :
We were too cheapskate, so toyed with the camera instead :
Don't know why Jasper seems to be showing his feminine side today..
The TWINs (tower)
I know so many pair of twins.
Them in Merry-Go-Round~
Jasper, Gary and Michelle (not me)
It's soooooo hard to get a proper picture when the Merry Go Round is moving. The best picture is still the one on the right..when the Merry Go Round stalled. Whoopsiez
After that, off we go. Back home that's at least an hour away.
After that, off we go. Back home that's at least an hour away.
Throughout the whole time, damn many people call me. Panda for instance, called to see if I can help her login Facebook for CafeWorld cause her food is rotting (wtf!), but when she called, in my mind I wanted to ask if she can help me login my CafeWorld too cause my food was rotting also ..(wtfx2!)
Eddie called several times asking when am I coming home, cause he wants to go DOTA.
Then some irritating BITCH (MOOD SPOILER), keep calling me to ask when am I moving out and to pay up the rent. I already told her tomorrow, still want to call. The worst thing is that I'm in deep shyt now, I lost the keys to my room.The day before I move out. FML!!!!
I was so tired the whole day that I slept with my make up on , and right after dinner. BOO HOO.
Face gone, body also gone.
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