Can't believe I really follow my "Things to do during holidays kao kao " list, and stating them. Its like the phrase:
"Do what you say, and say what you do"
First , I do them, and then "say" what I did in the blog! heh. Just trying to sound smart.
Things that I did so far (my accomplishments!) :
Cleaning upFind a nice blogskin(which reminds me, if this skin is nicer?)Play games kao kaoCAFE WORLD!Read some booksactually , more on my recipe books, haha..want to find something to bake what.Camwhoredbut honestly, I look wierd without specks now. I need to be less dependant on my specks.

That's a lot after the last paper yesterday !
- Diet (AHHHHHHH, THE HORROR! just came back from supper with friends! got dug out of the house.)
- Regulate my sleep - because I ate at 2am, 6am shall be my bedtime.
- Exercise - :(( no excuses to "share" :((
- Didn't go clubbing - still not my thang. (what's with people spelling "thing" as "thang"?)
- Shop - I think this spells good news though!
AH. If only I'm like this during exams ...come up with a list and actually doing them.
I'm likey likey my new blog layout. hehe.
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