
Thursday, 1 October 2009

PMS : Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Have you ever felt like the world's crushing down on you, feeling all gloomy and the world out there hated you like hell? That's how PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS) feels like. You get irritated easily, get angry over anything, and feeling extremely sensitive. Whatever bad feelings you feel, multiply it by 10. That's a girl's PMS FOR YOU (not forgetting boob-ache , back pains , stomach cramp..etc).

30th September afternoon, was the day I felt that way. Pissy, moody, and couldn't get my mouth to curve upwards. Being the unluckiest girl among all my friends (too many people corrected me when I said I'm the unluckiest girl alive eg. all the african kids with no food / all the people born blind or deaf..ETC) , I bumped into tram officers and got fined for .. not having a valid ticket!!!

I admit I do not have a valid ticket at that point of time for Zone 2.

The Scenario : I was carrying 3 big bags and a handbag, and was listening to music. The tram just passed by the last stop for Zone 1 , into the Zone 2 area. I have a valid ticket for Zone 1. I was already about to buy Zone 2 tickets. Okay, fine, I do things very slowly. I will take my own sweet time to the ticket machine in the tram to buy ticket. Have to roll my headphones and adjust all 3 bags somemore :

Left: my bags Right : My fine, and my valid Zone 1 ticket.

Mercy was not given. What angers me most was that, I never planned on jumping tram. I had THREE BIG BAGS to take care (not including my handbag), which had further slower down my pace. My bags carried my laptops, rice cooker, pans.. (all pricey stuffs) and couldn't find a way to put them in a safe spot in the moving tram. It made me can't balance myself well, too.

When I saw the officers, my first reaction was OH SHIT, IM TOO SLOW,IF I BUY NOW NO USE, MIGHT AS WELL TRY TO GET OFF THE TRAM, but wala, I got stopped.

Come on, I'm sitting in front of the entrance of the door. If I want to jump tram, I would've sit somewhere hidden and sneak off later. I SAT right in front of the door.

Okay, fine, I respected the officers by letting them do their duties, but I felt cheated. All these while it was ME who advice Eddie, my other friends...to buy tram tickets, especially when they are with me, cause being the unluckiest girl amongst them, I always bump onto tram officers.

The whole incident was just ...embarassing. She asked for my address, I gave. Asked for someone to confirm my address, I gave also (Eddie), but he didn't pick up his phone. Gave another friend's number, but yeap, bad luck follows me everywhere, he was Skype-ing with me half an hour before, to say that his battery was dying and can't last past 20 minutes.

Then she call me to off my phone after giving the second number, and notice I am using "3" phone service provider...she call me on again. I FEEL LIKE A DOG!

I then on my handphone again...then she call me to check "My Account on 3" to check the billing address. When entering the Pin Code IN WHICH I SHOW HER (not even my boyfriend knows), she kept correcting me, saying "it's usually your birthdate" a few times.

Obviously, I know my own pincode. it's NOT MY BIRTHDATE. I got so irritated, and wanted to prove her wrong by being able to log into "My Account on 3", BUT AGAIN, BAD LUCK HAS DECIDED TO BESTOW ME WITH ITS "BLESSINGS". The page failed to load, and the website call me to try again (2 times)... after loading the webpage for the 3rd time..it shows my GEELONG ADDRESS (SIAN, WHY???????????).

So she ask me which stop I'm getting down, I said stop 64. She know about it, but threaten to bring me to police station because no one can prove my address. At that time , I've got class at 6pm (last class for this semester, next week exam), I was in desperation, and then asked her if she accepts FACEBOOK. She said to show her, I did, and thank goodness, she trusts...FACEBOOK!

Finally my address was proven, and I got off at stop 71. ALMOST 10 STOPS PAST MY STOP, with 3 HUGE BAGS and a handbag, waited like a fool for the next tram, got in the tram, and got stopped by another officer. I showed him my fine, he cheekily answered me "wow, not such good news ey?".

Sigh. But right after that, I broke down into tears and skipped my class. Imagine, all that embarassing moments and multiply it.

Then later at night, I took a really long walk to calm myself. Walked in the dark , all the way to Safeway (grocery shop), which is like 15-20 minutes walk away, spend an hour there and bought snacks, and then walk back...refusing to take the tram.

The funniest thing was, everyone was as shocked as me, to know that I've got a tram ticket fine.


1 comment:

Fabian said...


As title - outrage at tram inspectors

Think it'll interests you!