
Sunday, 13 September 2009

Stress level is high up. It's 7.30am now, and I have not even slept at all. A thousand words more to go for this bloody assignment.

Been eating like a man. A very large man, precisely. When I'm all pressured up, I binge. That's the sad part. Days of dieting and all can go *poof* within one day. I put on weight easily!

Hopefully it's temporary. It use to be always temporary, but I never remember eating THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MUCH, in a very very long time..

It's beyond anyone's imagination. In total, I ate about 1 cup of rice, 200 grams of pasta (the weight before it was cooked and thats like a serving for at least 2 people), 3 sausages that was cooked with the pasta, 1 onion, 200g of baby tomatoes, 1 cup of cream, 1 egg, 4 slices of raisin bread, golden mushrooms, about 100g of potato chips and 1 big bowl of grapes. Over the span of less than 24 hours.

SIGH. I can actually feel my cheeks ..become abnormally "thicker", my stomach all bloated up, can't even suck it in, and constantly feel like puking cause I ate till I'm so full until I feel like puking??

Hate this feeling.
God, Please Help Me! :<

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