
Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Eddie's been sick since yesterday. Don't know why. Recently he's been sick quite often, and that lump on his neck just won't go! Don't let it be a malignant lump please..!

Suppose to go badminton, but the house got no food, and he was too sick to even go out and eat. Hence I went grocery shopping alone. Shopped and filled the fridge up. Cooked porridge.

Super healthy. Add in a lot of herbs.

Whereas for me?

Bloody hell, I eat junk food :<

Feeling the guilt of all the empty calories.
And I ate most of the porridge anyway, he didn't have much appetite.
I'm turning into a giant eating monster :(((((

Anyway, as soon as I told my friends I'm not going for badminton (for him), he amazingly sprung up to life! But still looking quite sickly, but not bedridden , as per before I left for my supposedly badminton game.

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